Sunday, June 16, 2019

American women's rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

American womens rights - Essay ExampleThe history of mankind is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations on the part of man towards woman. The middle secern elites felt ashamed of themselves of the social conditions of the poor and thus taken the social duty strongly from their long traditions for the progressives to be do in the sense of the poor. The itch spread from farmers to politicians to put the effort to reform. Therefore Roosevelt became the first president to support the labor and assigned the government a direct role and duty to in all the people. The new womens colleges were opened and there the female reformers were educated. These females who were white middle class young women handled the problem of Immigrant, who constituted dark skinned Italians, peasant Jews and immigrants from southeasterly Europe. The middle class women were barred to possess the professional educational qualifications pursue Consumers League, and Americanizing centers known as settleme nt houses. These organizations targeted to wipe off the corruption and delinquency bred by the men their career. So, the women formed into groups and had built themselves as associations to take active part in the public life. Some of the associations are Womens Trade confederacy League, the Womens Christian Temperance Union, and the National. Referred as women of achievement.The women succeeded in their campaign to get the right to vote. But their battle of suffrage lasted for as long as from 1848 to 1920, in the year 1920 nineteenth amendment granted 26 million women, half of the nations population, the right to vote. ... The Civil Rights Law of the 1960s was stepping stone for those who fought for Americas promise of equal rights for all. The making of the English working class and the rise of respectful society. The Virginia Declaration of Rights was a document proclaiming that individual natural rights are inherent, and calling for American emancipation from Britain5.The mov ement of women, for suffrage began at Seneca Falls. The American Society challenged severely the efforts of women that they cannot cross the threshold of men. But as the situation prolonged, the women got educated, and their movement turned out to be a respectable one. By 1910, the movement developed into a mass movement. In England too it was the same condition, the women were aggressive to sweep out their miseries and were carrying their movement for unfathomed rights. In both the nations, by 1919, the Amendment Act was passed for women granting their right to vote. Black history has been overshadowed by white interpretation for a very long time, even in locations where the majority population was black. Visit a Southern plantation and you will learn about the lifestyle of the owners, but very little about the slaves who made that lifestyle possible6Detroit, the city was known as the arsenal of Democracy during the Second World War. The city of Detroit required a large act of la bors who came from Africa. They were not given accommodation and like this the riots erupted which turned to be the bloodiest in the history of he nation. This racial conflict has begun very long past in 1863 and lasted till 1941. The racial riots have a long history in Detroit.

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